Wednesday, October 14, 2009

titus turner

i don't think i've posted about one of the best additions to our family!!!! in august i got a baby jack russell! i've always always always wanted a jack russell, and it just never worked out for us to get one. in august my friend was trying to find a home for her JR pup, we took him for a "trial" run, and he's been here ever since. i just love him sooooo much. his birth name was colby jack, but we re-named him titus. i've always liked the name titus, but we could never use it on a child b/c of the alliteration. it fits him perfectly. titus turner. and dustin calls him titus timothy turner.

sadly, about a month ago, titus fell down the basement steps and broke his leg. it was one of the most sad, pathetic things i have EVER seen. he just sat with sad, sad eyes and cried. dr. meckley got him all fixed up in a neon green cast, and tomorrow is the 4 week mark at which time he will get his cast off. the first pictures are the day he came home from the "hospital", and the last one was taken this morning--the last day of the green (now brown) cast!

oh...and the one is of him "smiling". he is so excited to run to us that he smiles the whole time. its hard to capture on camera, but this is the best picture i've been able to get so far.

and...the one of him laying on his back was when he was bored with the mountaineers getting beat. he sat all interested for the first two quarters, and then he got mad and went to the floor in protest.

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture where Titus is smiling. I honestly think he and Sophie are related!!!!
