Friday, October 16, 2009

tonight's the night

if you think i'm a planner/list maker, you should meet my daugher, Cana!!! she gets it honest--thats for sure! for at least 11 months now she's been planning her 10th (double digits!!) birthday party. she has practically an entire notebook full of lists...lists of games, friends, ideas, foods, decorations, etc, etc, etc. and tonight is finally THE night. after school my house will be invaded by nine and ten year old girls. they were each instructed to bring their best dress for a fashion show! cana has arranged for someone to come at 6:00 to do hair and makeup, and then the show will start at 7. i have let her plan the entire event herself, so i am looking forward to the surprise of it all! she's made all the phone calls, shopping lists, and arrangements all by herself.

i find it all comical because i remember turning ten and still thinking that i was still at least half boy. i was wearing boys high top tennis shoes and carrying a Go-Bots lunch box to school. in 4th grade is the first time that one of my friends came to school with a bra on, and i thought that i would rather kill myself than to EVER wear a bra!! i had a red trapper keeper that i wrote J.D. Hog on the front of because i thought it was so cool that my initials were J.D. it is absolutely amazing to me that i have produced a daughter that plans fashion show slumber parties! she is exquisitely feminine, and that makes me happy. she is beautiful and confident, and is 100% sure that her friends are about to attend the "best slumber party on their lives".

1 comment:

  1. Oh, little Cana.
    She's growing up so fast!!!
    The photos are wonderful.
    Thank you!
