Thursday, October 1, 2009

animal rescue

last week eden came upstairs holding a bathroom towel in a wad. she had a sheepish look on her face. i said "eden??? whats with the towel?" she was reluctant to show me. eventually what i saw in the towel was a baby mouse with its neck sliced...bleeding...barely alive. with tears in her eyes, eden said "i am saving his life." now for a mother, this is a very delicate situation. what do i do so that i protect my daughter's tender heart and at the same time be able to get a bleeding, dying mouse OUTSIDE of my house??? so, i thought quickly and said, "well eden, i think the baby mousie's mommy might be looking for him. and he is hurt and scared and would feel better if he could be WITH his mommy. so why don't you take him to the garage and lay him down." so she did. towel and all. within minutes the towel was empty, and the mouse either ran away or fell prey to our cat once again. eden says the mommy came and took him home.

then tonight simone came running in shouting, "mom! mom! mom! eden caught a "chickmunk"! come see!!!" i went outside, and eden had captured a chipmunk and had it contained in an empty catfood bag. she said she once again rescued a poor animal from the jaws of our cat, and decided that it would be safe in the bag with a few bites of cat food.

so, this week eden has rescued a mouse and a chipmunk and has also decided that she will dress as an "animal doctor" for halloween. i'm definitely seeing a future in this for little edie.


  1. my mom predicted this one the day she took nala's stitches out and eden kept her calm the whole time - she called me to tell me :)

  2. ps - she might be able to find her a lab coat.
