Thursday, March 17, 2011


Time just doesn't stop.  How has it been two months since I "blogged"?  And how has it been one YEAR since little Reuben was born?  Wow.  And I FORGOT to blog on his birthday.  That mistake is almost unforgivable! 

Reuben is as pleasant as they come...content to follow his older two sisters around and grunt out the window at the dogs.   He crawls at lightening speed but hasn't fully committed to walking yet.  He says "nite nite", "mama", "dada", and his favorite word   of  ..."ugh".  I can't imagine life without my baby boy.

And now as time is flying by more quickly than my mind can comprehend, I find myself in the middle of a transition period.  I have been pregnant or with a baby for the past twelve years.  That season of my life is done, and I am looking forward to the next season with great anticipation.  I will miss being pregnant, but I have been blessed more than I could have ever imagined, and I intend to make the most of these "growing up" years, for they too will be gone before I know it.

Happy 1st Birthday Reuben Matthias!