Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hoola's In Town

Yes, yes...I know...I am a blogging slacker.  I am so sorry Virginia. 

The days come and go, and I guess I just assume that I can not blog every stinkin' day about my adorable children, homeschooling, and pets.  But, alas, that is my life!!  We are winding down the homeschooling part for the summer.  Cana is taking Westtest at school this week, and the other kids will do their portfolio evaluations.  We will then transition to our summer routine of playing outside, going to the library, and staying up a little later at night!  Fun times ahead!

The exciting news of the week is that Laura is here to visit!!!!!  This is one of the longest periods we have gone without seeing one another.  I was in Minnesota this exact weekend LAST year, so its been a year since we were in one another's company.  We were talking last night how we will be celebrating TEN years together this summer.  Ten years ago I moved to Minnesota and was sitting in church one night when Laura caught my eye.  It was just one of those moments that I knew there was something special about her...that we were kindred spirits.  The rest is history.  We have spent so many hours together...laughing, crying, shopping, sleeping, working crosswords, taking trips, scheming and planning...   We are as opposite as opposite can be, but thats what makes a friendship interesting.   I am looking forward to our SIX days together this week!! 

Oh..and Scot...these capital letters were for you.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sparrows Nest

Sparrows Nest is the orphanage in Latvia that has been visited by many of my friends and family.  My mom has gone several times.  Virginia and her mom went.  KayCee built a barn there.  My pastor and his family have visited many times.  My friend, Steffi, is planning to go this summer.  Cana dreams of the day she will travel to Latvia to care for the children at Sparrows Nest.  Everyone who goes comes home changed in one way or another.  Alissa, the director, has adopted two children from Latvia and has a heart like no other woman that I know.  She is compassionate and courageous.  She dreams dreams that seem impossible.  She has so many stories of God's provision and protection that it'll blow your mind.  Recently, she had the idea to start a "registry" for the orphanage.   Its like a wedding or a baby registry, except that all the items on the list are needs that Sparrows Nest has...things like cribs, sheets, strollers, pots, pans, etc.  The last time they received many of these items was over TEN years ago when the last container was shipped.  Another container is being prepared to ship out mid-June, and the items received from the registry will go on the container across the Atlantic and down the river to the children at Sparrows Nest.  I urge everyone to take a look at the registry and see what you might be able to do to help out and then pass the word on to everyone you know! 

"Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles and refuse to let the world corrupt us."  James 1 verse 27