Tuesday, October 13, 2009

the smell of chocolate

this past weekend our good friends from hershey, pa, came for a visit. i love love love having guests in my home!!! we were supposed to go see them this summer, but our vacation did not work out. so it had been almost a year since we had all been together. we ate a lot of food, let the kids play, did some crocheting, the guys went to see a movie. they were able to experience the great Red Raider alumni parade in middlebourne! not much that can beat that! kaycee and i took amanda on a b/deer drive to the middle of nowhere. she wondered why the deer don't run away from cars but rather stand and watch them. we told her thats just what west virginia deer do. we thoroughly discussed life, god, kids, work, and took naps in the afternoons. it was an awesome weekend.

yesterday my week began with a shopping trip!!! to me shopping is like going out for the hunt. i'm like the woman in proverbs 31 who is anointed to find bargains, and yesterday i brought home the kill!! i got four summer dresses for the girls for $3.50 each, had a coupon for $20 for old navy so i got judah some jeans, and they had cream of potato soup (the kids favorite) at gabes for .99/can, a whole .50 cheaper than in the regular stores.

oh...and my little animal girl, eden, had another animal adventure this weekend. a chipmunk crawled into her hand again. except this time, it came to BITE her!! she was so shocked because she was so sure she was the chipmunk whisperer! poor little thing. she had two tiny teeth marks on her finger. but i think it hurt her heart more than it did her finger!

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