Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Judah learned to do his round-off back handspring today!! He asked this morning if he could watch a video on youtube about how to do one. So, I let him watch it. He said if his stomach hurt that meant he could do it, and his stomach HURT. He went outside, and three minutes later he came in yelling, "I did it! I did it!!" A bit skeptical, I went outside to see for myself. And sure enough--HE DID IT! Amazing! I am so proud of him!! A couple of weeks ago he was scared to even try to do a back handspring by himself. We talked about it, and prayed for courage, and today he did what he thought would be impossible--a ROUNDOFF back handspring! Yay Judah!!! :)


  1. yessssssss! i can't wait to see it in person!!

  2. yay judah! take some pictures for your far away cousin :)
