Tuesday, September 22, 2009

hungry hungry hippo

dustin has been making waffles every saturday morning for a couple of months now. last saturday the waffle iron died. it was only a 2-seater anyway, which means i'm in the market for a new, LARGER waffle iron. i've been online shopping for one that makes four at at time so that dustin can make waffles for all seven of us in less than an hour!

i think i'm hungry. waffles are on my mind, and i'm sad that i won't have them this week. popcorn also sounds good. as does chocolate pie. and iced tea with no sugar. and french toast from choochoos. but, i suppose i'll just eat some carrots like a good pregnant woman should.

hopefully by next week, i can have some waffles.


  1. no arby's roast beef sandwich & lemonade for a winter baby?

    i'm also on the lookout for a waffle maker - belgian, though. let me know if you see any good deals :)

  2. carrots?? come on. surely you can do better than that.

  3. em--just the thought of arby's makes me want to vomit!! and i am done with my lemonade cravings and have moved on to orange juice. my midwife says oj is a better choice anyway.

    vd--no carrots. i ended up with a bowl of potato soup and a glass of orange juice. still not very exciting compared to waffles.
