Saturday, August 8, 2009

Our God Who Heals

One of the first miracles I witnessed in the life of one of my children was after praying the 128th Psalm. At 4 months old, Cana was a very small 10 pounds with poor muscle development in all of her body. At 6 months, she was referred to a physical therapist who came to our home to work with her. There was not much improvement in the next 6 months. At a year old, her pediatrician suggested that she could have a mild form of cerebal palsy. We came home that day feeling defeated and discouraged. Dustin took out the Bible and prayed the 128th Psalm, and we prayed that Cana would come to be like the olive tree--that she would sit around our table--vigorous and healthy. Within about a week, Cana started crawling. In less than a month, she was standing. In just a few more months, she was walking, and soon she was running!! I would just watch her in awe. Months of physical therapy and very little progress. Within weeks of praying for God to do the impossible in her body, she was nearly caught up to what a normal child her age should be doing. Today she walks and runs...dances and spins...and sits around our table--vigorous and healthy! She remembers this God who healed her tiny body many years ago, and today SHE is the one who believes for teeth to grow in so the dentist won't have to cut slits to make room for them, for her siblings' sniffles and earaches to be healed, for mamas who couldn't conceive to bear children, and for babies who are born with holes in their hearts to live and be whole. Praise to Jehovah Rapha--our God who heals.

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