Wednesday, August 12, 2009

School Postponed

I'm three days late getting started on our school year. Start date was Monday, August 10th. But upon my morning review of my bank account, I discovered three unauthorized charges that had to be dealt with. I spent three hours on and off the phone with the bank and the "company" that is charging me nearly $100 for a mystery "subscription". It all ended with a cancelled bank account and the customer service guy for this fabulous company telling me that he is "sorry" i'm so "stupid" and "its not the 70s anymore". yeah...nice.

Why not start school on the 11th? I don't know...just something weird about starting on a Tuesday. So0000...I guess we'll start NEXT week. :) Thats the beauty of homeschooling, although not an advantage to be abused. Thankfully I am anally scheduled, and I will make sure we get all of this year's work completed. I was starting early so that I can take a month off when Baby is born. Obviously my baby break has just been reduced by a week.

Just the fact that I CAN homeschool is something for which I am soooooo grateful. I'm not paranoid about the bad kids at public school. I have no gripes with the teachers or the "system" of education necessarily. I just want to be with my kids. For this time in their lives, I desire them to be HERE at home where they can combine school work with life skills--academic learning with emotional learning. They are being socialized in our home--learning how to work together with siblings and to appreciate the value of a family. They will spend the majority of their lives being husbands, wives, mothers, and fathers, and in my opinion there is not better place to learn about those roles than right here at home. There is no great debt that I owe nor promise of wealth that would cause me to leave home during these years. I even hesitate to say its my "sacrifice" to be a stay at home mom as I often hear other women saying. Its my calling. Its God's gift to me.

School will start next week, but training is everyday.