Tuesday, September 7, 2010

abc's & 123's

After much internal debate on what to do this year, we have officially started "school" here at the Turners.  I will once again be homeschooling the oldest three--Cana in 5th grade, Judah in 3rd grade, and Eden in 2nd grade.  From the beginning I have said that I would take homeschooling a year at a time, discerning each year what would be the best option for each individual child.  I am not in the "once at home, always at home" camp, and I have never made the claim that homeschooling is always best.  Therefore, I end each year and spend most of the summer in prayer and thought, trying to determine what is best.   I was THIS close to sending Cana to 5th grade this year but opted instead to keep her home another year.  The beauty of homeschooling is the flexibility, so Cana will be in 5th grade math, 8th grade spelling/language, doing a unit study on the book of Job, and her daddy will be teaching social studies in an "unschooling" kind of way.  Judah will be in 5th grade math, 3rd grade spelling/language, learning cursive, doing various theological studies, and will be learning science and social studies from dad as well.  Eden will truck along with her math at grade level, but will work ahead a year in language and spelling as well as begin weekly creative writing.  I'm sure she'll get in on the science and social studies lessons with her older brother and sister.  We still haven't received half our books (that were ordered TWO weeks ago), but we started today anyway, and it was a good day.  I'm sure it'll take a couple weeks to adjust to the new routine--especially considering Reuben and Nadia still require so much of my time as well.  I feel spread so thin right now, but it just takes time to get back into the swing of things. 

Simone will be going out of the house to pre-school this year.  I had a few reservations about sending her, but after two weeks of her being there, I know we made the right decision.  She absolutely LOVES it.  The reasons for sending her are too numerous and complex to go into, but I have confidence that she will have a great year!

As I have said so many times, I am so blessed to be at home during these years.  Everytime I start to think of the grass being greener on the other side and am tempted to wish the time away, I take a look around at my kids and my home and am quickly brought back to the reality of the amazing opportunity I have here to be here at home. 


  1. Man, I thought is was 7th grade spelling.......COOL. I am ready for it!!

  2. you are a great blessing to your family!

  3. i am in awe of you, jessie turner! you make everything seem EFFORTLESS!
    i would to hear simone pre-school stories! and, as it happens, i have a couple of grace stories to share, one of the funniest being:
    (set-up: grace is attending pre-school at a christian school so they have an hour of Bible every day.)
    when amanda picks her up she always asks about her day, as everyone does with their kids. and she will ask what she learned in Bible that day. grace has said a few things that only four year olds can come up with. so, one night last week, grace was going around the house singing, 'Jesus loves me.' when it came to the 'yes, Jesus loves me, yes, Jesus loves me' part, grace was singing, 'that jessie loves me, that jessie loves me' so, amanda says, 'grace it is 'yes, Jesus loves me'. grace very matter-of-factly-with-her-hands-on-her-hips, rolled her eyes and said, 'no, momma, it is 'that jessie loves me.' amanda in turn said, 'grace you are singing a song about Jesus, so its Jesus that loves you!' grace said i know momma, but the song is 'that jessie loves me.' amanda says,'well, ok grace, but who is jessie?' again with the rolled eyes and hands on hips, looking as tho her momma was clueless, grace replied, 'uh, momma, jessie from toy story!'
