Friday, July 9, 2010

room by room

according to the description of either of my multiple personalities, i should have a "beautifully furnished and functional home" and would make "an extremely good interior decorator".  hahaha!  i think that is soooo funny.  i am NOT good at furnishing nor decorating my home!  i think the problem lies in my inability to make a decision. i see things i like, but either can't decide or will not spend the money to buy decor for my home.  i also can not visualize color in my head.  i am not creative that way.  so i have to rely on the good taste of others and pictures in books/websites to help me know what i like.    also i find that i really like green.  as much as i mentally ascend to branching out and doing something fabulous with my home decor, i always fall back on green and brown.  brown and green.  green and brown.  hmmm...

my kitchen is my favorite room because of all the color.  green tile.  orange wall.  the best trivet ever.  however, this summer i must paint, and i am paralyzed trying to decide what to do:  change the orange wall or not. 

i despise my bedroom.  for years its been my room/baby room.  reuben is quickly approaching the time where he will be moving into a room with nadia, and i am so ready to make my room MY room.  i want to get rid of all baby bedding, clothing, diapers, bottles, lotions, etc, etc.  i found bedding that i absolutely adore, but dustin says its too "girly".  he said do whatever i want, and i have liked it for a LONG time, but i suppose i'll keep looking.  its the decision thing.  even if i decide that this IS the bedding i love, i will probably decide against spending the money...especially at such an over-priced store. 

i do believe that i am making progress though.  this week i decorated a room in a way that i never have before!  i ordered a nursery bedding set!!  in six kids, i have never done such a thing.  i am not sure what came over me, but i am so thrilled with it.  it started with looking for a crib this week.  ours was broken, and reuben would need to be moving to a bed soon.  amazingly, dustin FIXED our existing crib.  but since i was already online, i ventured to the bedding section, found this set, fell in love with it, and ORDERED it without thinking twice.  its so adorable and perfect for both reuben and nadia!  no real pictures yet, as the valance is a little crooked, but here is a picture from the website from which i ordered...

one room down...the rest of the house to go.  i welcome all decorating tips/ideas!!


  1. aahhh!!! i love that bedding!! i've seen it a million times as i'm trying to spruce up our room, too. of course, i've narrowed my choices down to two quilts...both of which are ivory/beige!! i just visited erin's house and her place is so amazingly decorated that i want to do the same, but i can't commit either.

    um, the red accents might be a small contributing factor to what's making it too girly for dustin. he might be happier with BROWN or GREEN accents :)

  2. love both!! i love the colors! nothing wrong with brown, green, and is there? if it wasn't for scot, that would be my living room too!! he really likes burgundy, so that's why we have a little of that...but also...brown!! what is it about the committing...i can't either. i still have not ordered the rug for the living room...and we know what rug to order. scot keeps asking and i haven't been able to push the button on the computer....yet.


  3. I love what you bought for Reuben's room. I'll bet Nadia does too!!! Can't wait to see it. You should buy the bedding you picked out for your room. The colors are so pretty and cheerful. Be daring! You won't be sorry. Order it just like in the picture. If you don't like it when you put it on the bed, send it back!!! When I decided that our spare room (alias animal hangout) needed spruced up, I looked for weeks before I found the set that I wanted. I ordered the bedding and pillows and set it up just like the picture. Even got daring and painted the walls yellow! Cana helped us paint. Don was very skeptical with the colors I picked out but liked it when we were done. It looks great!
