Friday, November 6, 2009

sabbath rest

i love fridays. not because the week is gone but because of what is ahead. we call friday "sabbath preparation". we get the house spic 'n' span, school finished, food simplified, and settle down for our day of rest. there is just something so peaceful and mysterious in the knowledge that there is one day set aside at the end of the week to just REST. i wonder what god was thinking as he completed his work towards the end of that 6th day. did he pre-plan his rest, or did it just occur to him in the moment that creation was finished and he still had a day left with nothing to do? i tend to think it was planned from the beginning of time. it just makes sense. in our american lives we rush here and there and everywhere, and i hear so many people say, "rest?? what is that??" all the more reason to take a day. and truly, if god himself took a day to rest from his work, how silly of our human minds to think we can survive without it.

"so, god...i look ahead to tomorrow. thank you for our week and thank you for this day of rest. you bring us peace. you are lord and your mercy endures forever. amen"

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