Tuesday, November 3, 2009

dress up

this year was the first year in a long time that i did not dress up for halloween. i just couldn't get into it for some reason. at the last minute i put on something of a costume that i thought was hilarious, but i just couldn't get out of the house with it on. nevertheless, the kids had fun, and we have enough candy to last us until easter! they each decided what they wanted to dress up as. cana was our prom queen, judah a "professional" mountaineer basketball player, eden an animal doctor, simone a "barina", and nadia (she didn't really choose) was a penguin.
the funniest thing of the trick or treat evening was when eden saw a real dog and ran over to it. it was a tiny tiny little yappy thing. it was going crazy, and eden was just kissing it and petting it. she said to the owner, "i'm an animal doctor", and the lady replied, "well, then if you give him [the dog] a shot, maybe he'll calm down". so eden reached in her pocket and pulled out her syringe and proceeded to hold the dog down and give it a "shot"! by this time everyone around was watching and laughing, and eden was just taking her job as serious as could be!! oh eden...you make mama smile!!! :)

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