Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Look Back at the Highlights

Five months later...I'm back!!  I tried to just let it go, but I can't seem to continue on into the new year until I've done a proper year end review of 2011.  I'll start by saying that my resolution for 2011 was that I would keep my room clean.  I really really really want a new bed and sheets.  And maybe a wall decoration of some sort.  BUT, i vowed to myself that I would NOT buy anything for my bedroom unless I could be a good steward of what I already have, hence my resolution.  I have to say, I would not give myself an A...maybe a low B, but not any higher.  However, I did do better than what I imagined I would.  My room is never really dirty...just messy.  I tend to six kids and all their stuff and clean the rest of the house, so I have always figured that if my room is at the bottom of the list that its ok.  I will continue on though with my resolution because I have liked sleeping in a neater space.  Also, it truly is the desire of my heart to care for what I have, so its good discipline.  And as for the bed and bedding...I'm currently taking donations.  Ha!

2011 Highlights...
--January snow days
--Reuben's 1st birthday
--Kids in sports--I love going to their games!! 
--Superb homeschool evaluations

--Planning trip to Peru for church kids (although it would be nice to actually GO on the trip with them!)
--Sibling Phish concert in Cincinatti
--DeLaney/Dobson visit (except for the poison ivy). 

--Taking my kids to Illinois for a week with cousins
--Spring and summer drives in the country
--Anniversary trip to Pittsburgh
--Kids enrolling and for the most part doing well in public school
--My garage sale--I love sitting in my garage chatting with people all day long
--Receiving word that Dustin's grievance was granted
--Birthday weekend celebration with friends in Oklahoma
--Planning and attending KayCee's wedding. (this is obviously the highlight of all highlights, but I am going in chronological order!!)
--Another year of no cavities for the Turner family
--Enrolling in college to (finally) finish school
--Mountaineer football games
--Holidays with my family and with Dustin's family

As far as 2012 goes, the only resolution that I can think of is that I will knit 100 dishrags.  That is not really anything spectacular, as I have done this before.  But, I've been out of the discipline of quieting myself to knit this year, so I will knit four rags a month and try to use up all my yarn.  I will not buy any more new yarn until I use what I have.  Oh...and you can almost guess what everyone will be getting for Christmas next year. 

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