Wednesday, January 6, 2010

32.5 weeks

simone (as she was rubbing my belly): " i like your big fat belly"

me: (thinking she'd mention the baby)" "why is my belly big, simone?"

simone: "because you're FAT"

me: "but why am i 'fat'?"

simone: "because you eat too much and got FAT".

just think if i would have stopped at three kids. what would my life be like without simone?


  1. no socks in butt cracks, that's for sure!

  2. and no one to sing "god is great, beer is good, people are crazy" to her sunday school class. :)

  3. I can't even imagine life without simone:) or any of my grandchildren:) they are precious gifts from God!

    love you, mom:)

  4. I was just about to say that you needed to write a new blog! I've been checking everyday.
    Oh, Simoni Pepperoni. Life just wouldn't be life without that one!

  5. Ahhhhhhh Simone! You have to love her wit! She is as ornery as she is cute. I love her expressions. You never know what she is thinking or what she is going to say next.
