Tuesday, November 10, 2009

christmas list '09

i have received the annual "christmas list" requests and have no clue what to reply. i can't think of a darn thing that i need. the few things i want include big ticket items like a flatter yard, a new room off the back of the house, a new roof, and a garage door. so i don't think i'll be putting those things on the list. and as far as the kids go...there is nothing they need, and they're having a hard time thinking of things they even WANT! well...except cana, who wants a cell phone. you know...because its not quite the same to call friends on a regular old house phone. how boring is that! judah has only mentioned legos, but how many legos does a boy need? they all look the same to me. plus he has his birthday december 2nd. eden has requested fake nails and lip gloss so that she may use them at her birthday party. (her birthday is in MAY) simone says she would like a pink beaver and some makeup, but i am pretty sure that she is just listening to her older sisters talk. she has no clue what making a christmas list is all about. and nadia says she wants some bigger cloth diapers, which is a very practical, legitimate request in my opinion. its just so hard to think of items to put on a list when there is nothing at all that we really need. so, if you have any good ideas of what i might want to ask for for christmas this year, feel free to let me know!


  1. - giftcards for clothes
    - stuff for school - did you ever make an amazon withlist of stuff you wanted for their schooling? - or giftcards for books
    - art & craft supplies :)
    - consumable stuff that you use lots of - i liked how ma put a whole bunch of snacks in cana's birthday present. i always find myself putting coffee and stuff in stockings, and i LOVE getting stuff like that.

    - as for you - YARN. or giftcards to joann fabrics.

  2. Jessie, Christmas is a time to be unpractical. Ask for things that you want but will not buy for yourself.....:-)

  3. OR things you HATE to buy for yourself but that you need. i love finding refill cartridges for my razor in my christmas stocking. there is nothing i hate spending money on more than razorblades :)

    i know - a frame for a picture of nadia!
