Monday, July 12, 2010


Two blogs in one day??  I just couldn't resist posting the accomplishment of my handsome baby...

on his back just looking around

caught a glimpse of something behind him

a little rotation of the hips

and a brief suck for a power boost

and...what just happened???

i did it??

i rolled over!!


Over ten years ago when I was in college at Fairmont State, I noticed that very often when I looked at the clock either in the morning or late at night, the time read 11:27.  I don't know how many times it occurred before I realized that 11:27 (November 27th) is my birthday!  Upon that realization, I thought it was pretty cool that I happened to see it so often on a clock face.  Seeing the clock say 11:27 fairly often continued on for several years.  I would comment about it to Dustin, and I'm suspecting he thought I was somewhat crazy!  I would tell him that several times a week I would look at the clock and see my birthday.  Fast forward to about five years ago.   Still seeing 11:27 with great regularity throughout a week, I questioned in my heart what it could mean.  Seriously...was it just a coincidence or was there some "force" behind me seeing this particular time so very very often??   I am not one to boast on hearing God's voice or to throw around the phrase, "God said", but at the moment of my question, I honestly felt God's spirit say to me that He wanted me to know that HE knew me and planned for me.  He knew me in my mother's womb, planned the day of my birth, and has set the course for my life. My life was not an accident.  I was in awe.  So simple.  11:27.  What a cool way for God to communicate to me.  I might have told Dustin about what I felt God say, but I have never told anyone else until very recently (within this year probably). 

THEN...last week when I was in Rockford, I found out that when my brother looks at the clock it very very often says 9:20, which was the TIME of his birth.  He said he sees it so often that he can almost predict the second he asks or glances at the time, he almost KNOWS what its going to say before he sees it.  So, I told him, Rachel, and KayCee about my 11:27 phenomenon.

Last night I was in the bath and had been for quite some time.  I was just reading and relaxing.  All of a sudden I got very tired that I felt nauseous.  As much as I wanted to sit in the tub and continue my book, I got out quickly, put my PJs on, and brushed my teeth.  I had the thought, "What are the chances that I would go in my room right now and the clock say 11:27?  It would just be strange because I've been in the tub for all this time, and if I chose this exact moment to get out and look at the clock and it say that????  It would just be tooooooo weird.".   So I tiptoed in my room (Reuben was sleeping), peeked over my bed to the alarm clock, and nearly fainted.  11:27.  My toes went numb and my heart skipped a beat as I heard the spirit of God say, "How many times do I have to tell you?"

Friday, July 9, 2010

room by room

according to the description of either of my multiple personalities, i should have a "beautifully furnished and functional home" and would make "an extremely good interior decorator".  hahaha!  i think that is soooo funny.  i am NOT good at furnishing nor decorating my home!  i think the problem lies in my inability to make a decision. i see things i like, but either can't decide or will not spend the money to buy decor for my home.  i also can not visualize color in my head.  i am not creative that way.  so i have to rely on the good taste of others and pictures in books/websites to help me know what i like.    also i find that i really like green.  as much as i mentally ascend to branching out and doing something fabulous with my home decor, i always fall back on green and brown.  brown and green.  green and brown.  hmmm...

my kitchen is my favorite room because of all the color.  green tile.  orange wall.  the best trivet ever.  however, this summer i must paint, and i am paralyzed trying to decide what to do:  change the orange wall or not. 

i despise my bedroom.  for years its been my room/baby room.  reuben is quickly approaching the time where he will be moving into a room with nadia, and i am so ready to make my room MY room.  i want to get rid of all baby bedding, clothing, diapers, bottles, lotions, etc, etc.  i found bedding that i absolutely adore, but dustin says its too "girly".  he said do whatever i want, and i have liked it for a LONG time, but i suppose i'll keep looking.  its the decision thing.  even if i decide that this IS the bedding i love, i will probably decide against spending the money...especially at such an over-priced store. 

i do believe that i am making progress though.  this week i decorated a room in a way that i never have before!  i ordered a nursery bedding set!!  in six kids, i have never done such a thing.  i am not sure what came over me, but i am so thrilled with it.  it started with looking for a crib this week.  ours was broken, and reuben would need to be moving to a bed soon.  amazingly, dustin FIXED our existing crib.  but since i was already online, i ventured to the bedding section, found this set, fell in love with it, and ORDERED it without thinking twice.  its so adorable and perfect for both reuben and nadia!  no real pictures yet, as the valance is a little crooked, but here is a picture from the website from which i ordered...

one room down...the rest of the house to go.  i welcome all decorating tips/ideas!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Visiting 2

oh no!  rachel beat me to blogging about our trip!  while i was uploading pictures of the trip to facebook, SHE was writing about it!!  oh well...i'll go ahead and post my take on things anyway, hence the title "visiting 2".  you must go and read her blog before you read mind.  ( as you already know, kaycee and i took all the kids to illinois for a vacation to uncle luke and auntie rachel's house!  while rachel was getting questions like, "how are you going to fit ALL those people into your house?", I was being asked, "are you seriously taking ALL those kids in the van for a TEN hour drive?????"  all i figured was that if i could take four kids 16 hours to minnesota (three years ago), surely i can take six on just a ten hour trip, right??   believe it or not, it was pretty smooth sailin'.  we stopped for two hours near dayton so i could meet up with some of my imaginary internet friends (who turned out to be very real and very cool!).   then we stopped again at a park somewhere near danville, illinois.  we let the kids watch punky brewster in the van and finally made it to rockford with time to play before bedtime!  no problems whatsoever!!  i think kaycee and i are going to make a tradition out of a summer trip with van full of kids. 

i find it interesting that rachel wrote about our "schedule" because i felt so incredibly UNscheduled.  and really, i was ok with that.  it was vacation!!!  so, while i am anal about my morning routine and still woke up at 6:30 for my one egg and cup of coffee, i did not stick to any sort of schedule or routine necessarily when it came to feeding/caring for the children.  so if rachel thought she was watching my routine, what she was really seeing was me just trying to keep up with everyone.  all in all i thought our days ran incredibily smooth for having 10 kids 10 and under...with someone needing something at nearly every waking moment! 

trip highlights:
*meeting four internet friends:  jamie, helen, & briana in ohio and then amy in rockford
*tame squirrel & pizza in danville
*learning bookworm.  just what i needed--a new addiction
*spicy lasagna
*"rupert...i mean reuben"
*discovery center
*cousins of all ages
*having kaycee and rachel to talk to all day long
*hidden gem of a recreational park
*personality discussions
*out to eat with everyone
*our shared life for a week
*rachel singing

trip lowlights:
*chicago traffic
*trains that stop traffic for an ungodly amount of time

i woke up on saturday morning feeling just a bit lonely and weepy.  why do families have to live so far apart?  sigh...

but then last night i looked  and there was an earwig crawling across my kitchen floor.  although hundreds of miles separate our families, a little piece of the illinois dillamans was right here in my own home.  i watched him for awhile, thought of heart connections, of the joy of being together, and couldn't bear to kill the wretched thing.